Calendar : Event : Events (OLD) : J P Morgan G S

J P Morgan G S

Thu 23rd Jun 2022 16:10 - 17:00

Lee Naylor - JP Morgan Chase

13 players (confirmed 20.6.22)

Food: No pre ordered food required. Aware bar closes 9pm and kitchen 7pm

Golf: £ 38pp

Deposit: £50 paid by bank transfer 16.5.22

Paid balance £444 by card 23.6.22

DB 23.6.22


Lee Naylor | (He/Him/His) Cybersecurity & Technology Controls | JPMorgan Chase | 3rd Floor, Hampshire South Building, 1 Chaseside, Bournemouth, UK | (Direct:+44 1202 320668 | (Mobile : +44 7380348398 |  + email:

A payment has been made with the following details:

                Invoice Number: JP Morgan Golf Society (Lee Naylor)

                Amount: 50.00

                Full Name: Mark Hames

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