The Ladies & Men's locker rooms refurbishment project is on schedule and members will be able to collect their keys to a new locker from the office (weekdays 09:00 - 17:00) as of Monday 13 February 2017.
For those members who wish to collect their locker keys over the weekend, please advise the office so that the keys can be left at the bar for collection.
Saturday 11 February 2017
Entertainment by Greg Valentine.
19:00 for 19:30 - Dress: Smart Casual
£21pp, which includes a 2 course meal
Click HERE for more information on the entertainer as well as the exciting menu. Don't delay, tickets limited.
The members section of the website has undergone a security upgrade. Unfortunately, all members passwords have been deleted and computer generated passwords activated. If you wish to change the generated password, go to the log on screen and click on the "change password" button.
You will however need to firstly retrieve your currently password by clicking on the "forgotton password" button.
From 1st January 2017 England Golf require all players to return all scores in Non Qualifying Competitions,....... to read more click HERE.
You will not be surprised to hear the issue has caused consternation across the country with divided opinion. Some issued cries of despair at the prospect of the additional administrative burden whilst others applauded the efforts to protect the integrity of the handicapping system.
In response to the questions they have received following the introduction of the requirement to return all non-qualifying scores, have now put together a Question and Answer document which will hopefully clarify any points that may have been misunderstood.
Two bins have been acquired from the Salvation Army for the recycling of old clothing. The bins have been placed in front of the trolley store.
All proceeds derived from this project will accrue to the golf club.
Please support.
“READY GOLF” is a commonly used term which indicates that players should play when they are ready to do so, rather than adhering strictly to the “farthest from the hole plays first” stipulation in the Rules of Golf.
“Ready golf” is not appropriate in match play due to the strategy involved between opponents and the need to have a set method for determining which player plays first. However, in stroke play formats it is only the act of agreeing to play out of turn to give one of the players an advantage that is prohibited. On this basis, it is permissible for administrators to encourage “ready golf” in stroke play, and there is strong evidence to suggest that playing “ready golf” does improve the pace of play. For example, in a survey of Australian golf clubs conducted by Golf Australia, 94% of clubs that had promoted “ready golf” to their members enjoyed some degree of success in improving pace of play, with 25% stating that they had achieved 'satisfying success'. (R&A pace of play manual).
Ready Golf means BEING READY to play…. not playing when you're ready. Here are some simple reminders.
Ready Golf DOES NOT mean RUSHING. If you prepare in advance, you can take your time AND play Ready Golf.
If every person in a four ball could play each hole just 25 seconds quicker, then we will make up half an hour for each round.
Saturday 11 February
Valentines Dinner Dance
Friday 24 March
Quiz Night
Sunday 26 March
Mother's Day Lunch
Sunday 16 April (Easter)
Club Lunch
Saturday 22 April
Tribute Night - Tom Jones
Sunday 18 June
Father's Day Lunch
Friday 8 September
Quiz Night
Wednesday 25 October
Quiz Night
Saturday 28 October
Captains In/Out Dinner Dance
Multi Tribute Cabaret
Sunday 5 November
Mixed 4's, Captains Drive In & Lunch
Sunday 3 December
Mixed 4's, Christmas Lunch & Carols
Sunday 10 December
Club Christmas Lunch
Saturday 16 December
Club Christmas Dinner Dance
Sunday 17 December
Club Christmas Lunch