Dear Member

Firstly, I would like to thank Des Spencer our (Finance Director) and Reunert Bauser our (General Manager) for preparing a well balanced budget, which meets the needs of a golf Club such as ours.

The Management Committee have now approved the operating and capital Club budget for 2017/18, this is subject to a review at the end of July 2017, once all the subscription income has been received. Subscriptions will therefore be increased by 2.5%, based on a differential percentage of the full subscription, from 1 July 2017.

The vast majority of the increased income this will generate will be allocated to the course, as in previous years. This will also ensure that the recent work on paths etc. will continue during the next winter period, as without the re-investment we would not have a course.

As a result, the course budget has been increased by around £9k, which is an increase of 4.4% on the approved 2016/17 budget.

Contractors will again be used for the heavy work on the fairways, and approaches to the greens. We are currently looking at the replacement of our course machinery in the autumn as part of the five year replacement policy, put in place by previous Committees, which works well for our Club.

In terms of other expenditure items, the annual Council rate of £33k together with Services to Members of £65k amounts to a contribution of £187 pa from each playing member.

You will of course have noticed the improvements that have been done on the course during the last year and would agree that the course is going to look and play even better as more is done this year.

We have during the year received numerous compliments from our visitors as to the condition of the course, and in this regard our thanks must go to Alan and his team for their hard work. We must also thank all those volunteers who gave and still continue to give of their time to assist Alan with the various jobs on the course.

It is anticipated by the Management Committee that the Club will be in a position to achieve some of the goals which have been set out in the 5 year Strategic Plan for the Club.

Some of the key capital projects identified by the Committee for future work are:



Completed Projects:

We still believe that our Golf Club offers excellent value for money when compared to other Golf Clubs in the area, and that with the continued investment and work in our golf course, we will remain one of the best Golf Clubs in Dorset.

Jim Airth

Please collect your 2017/18 subscription invoice from the clubhouse lobby. 

Click HERE to view the 2017/18 subscriptions
Click on the log below to either topup your bar card or to pay your annual subscriptions with howdoipaysmall 

Do-not-litterWe are proud of our Course.

Please don't litter.

Kindly use the bins provided on the following tees;

1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15 & 18.

There can be no excuse, please help to keep our Course clean.

4th Tee

Must be observed and particular attention is drawn to:


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