Calendar : Event : Events (OLD) : Golfbreaks - B Barter

Golfbreaks - B Barter

Fri 17th Oct 2014 11:00 - 11:20

GOLF FEES PAID IN FULL - £172.00 - Chq received 2/10/2014

2 x 4 ball specials - £220.00 less credit of £48.

Further to our recent emails, can I please go ahead and book the following:

Lead Name                   Mr Bob Barter

Date                             Friday 17th October 2014

Tee Time                       11.00

No of Players                8

Many thanks and I would be grateful if you could confirm by email.


Kind Regards


Gary Pumford

Exclusive Golf Breaks/Golf Tee Time Service

Tavistock Town Council Chambers

Drake Road



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