Subscriptions can be paid as follows:
Office: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 (Closed on Bank Holidays).
BACS: KHGC, account 00113811, sort code 30-96-73, please use as reference “Subs and then the Bill Number (found on your invoice, top right-hand corner).
HowDoIPay: Payments can now also be made through our secure online payment portal. You will need your unique howdoipay subscription reference number, which can be found on your subscription invoice, top right. Click on the logo enter the reference number and follow the on screen instructions. You will be emailed a receipt once your transaction has been completed.
A secure application quote detailing monthly charges etc, will then be emailed to you for an electronic signature.
Please note that the link in the email expires automatically after 10 days and occasionally can end up in your junk folder. If you need to make any amendments to the quote for your membership, please contact the office as soon as you can.
Once we receive notification from Novuna Finance that your documentation has been signed electronically, then your membership will automatically be renewed for the new membership year.
For your information, please find below some of the eligibility criteria for the membership finance.